by Adam Massey | Oct 16, 2023 | Debt, Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Investing |
This issue of Wealth Adviser includes: Even Warren Buffett lost his edge 20 years ago. Possibly the world’s best investor has suffered from periods of under performance, after a strong start. His approach means he typically lags market performance in booms,...
by Adam Massey | Sep 8, 2023 | Financial goals, Financial Tips, Investing, Massey Market Updates, Retirement, Superannuation |
This issue of Wealth Adviser includes: It’s dismal: good news is bad news … and vice versa. Bad news like rising unemployment, the likelihood of interest rate increases can lead to a rising sharemarket. The economy calls for job losses, but the politics...
by Adam Massey | Aug 25, 2023 | Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Investing, Massey Market Updates, Retirement, Superannuation |
This issue of Wealth Adviser includes: What to consider when paying for a nursing home. Choosing how to pay for nursing home accommodation can be challenging and affect income, wealth, means-tested aged care fee, and bequests. Oliver’s Insights – ...
by Adam Massey | Aug 4, 2023 | Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Investing, Retirement, Superannuation |
This issue of Wealth Adviser includes: Howards Marks rejects forecasts in favour of psychology. Two lessons from Marks 50 year investing career are “We pretty much only learn from our failures, we don’t learn much from our successes, and...
by Adam Massey | Jul 24, 2023 | Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Insurance, Investing, Retirement, Superannuation |
This issue of Wealth Adviser includes: 15 common sense tips to help manage your finance AI: The only thing certain is that nothing is certain. Debt is great, up to a point. It helps you have today what you would otherwise have to wait until tomorrow for. It enables...
by Adam Massey | May 13, 2022 | Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial Tips, Investing, Massey Market Updates, Retirement
To invest successfully typically requires some discipline, and if it’s not your day job, the ability to leave things to the experts. Five keys to investing are: Invest for the long term – if you can time the market you might get a better return, but...