by Adam Massey | May 29, 2020 | Debt, Financial Advice, Financial goals, Investing, Massey Market Updates |
While the impact of the coronavirus has dominated news coverage, there are a mix of positive and negative potential long term implications. Some will depend on your perspective as to whether they are good or bad with economic impacts and changes to our lifestyle and...
by Adam Massey | Mar 16, 2020 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Goals, Life balance, Retirement |
The Autumn issue of infocus includes: Achieving Financial Freedom. Financial freedom has a different meaning for everyone, based on personal preferences. If you want to achieve it, a little time spent planning will set you on the right course. The fast way to a life...
by Adam Massey | Dec 20, 2019 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Life balance, Retirement, Superannuation |
The Summer issue of infocus includes: Being sensible with Buy Now Pay Later this silly season. The key is really to have a budget, particularly for your Christmas spend, and put a little thought into your shopping before heading out to avoid getting carried away in...
by Adam Massey | Sep 25, 2019 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Goals, Life balance, Retirement |
The Spring issue of infocus includes: Beat the scammers at their own game. $90 million was lost to scammers in 2017, with 161,582 reports of scam. Scammers are getting smarter so it’s important to be alert to some of the signs, and exercise caution. Traps to...
by Adam Massey | Jul 17, 2019 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial goals, Financial Planner, Financial Tips, Goals |
I was recently out to lunch with friends and we were discussing what financial freedom meant to us. Whilst financial freedom means many different things to different people, planning for a secure financial future is something we should all be doing. Financial freedom...
by Adam Massey | Jun 24, 2019 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Life balance |
This issue of financial snapshot includes: How to play catch up with your super. Starting from the 2019-20 financial year there are changes to the superannuation contribution rules. Find out what’s changing and how this may effect you. Take control of your...