by Adam Massey | Dec 20, 2017 | Cashflow, Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial goals, Financial Planner, Goals, Investing, Retirement, Superannuation |
The other day I was talking with a new client of mine. He’s a young professional, who recently started in a well-paid job and his early career is on track for growth. He came to me for financial advice. He wanted to start off on the right track now that he is...
by Adam Massey | Dec 13, 2017 | Cashflow, Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial goals, Financial Planner, Goals, Investing, Retirement, Superannuation |
The other day I was talking with a new client of mine. He’s a young professional, who recently started in a well-paid job and his early career is on track for growth. He came to me for financial advice. He wanted to start off on the right track now that he is...
by Adam Massey | Nov 10, 2017 | Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Tips, Goals, Investing |
Key points Talk of a property crash is likely to ramp up again with signs that the Sydney and Melbourne property markets are cooling. But the Australian property market is a lot more complicated than the crash calls suggest. We continue to expect a 5-10% downswing in...
by Adam Massey | Nov 3, 2017 | Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Planner, Goals, Investing, Retirement, Superannuation |
With nearly one in three people planning to save their tax return, have you considered what you might do with yours? This year more than 75% of Australians expect to receive a tax return, with a large portion of the population planning to use the money they receive...
by Adam Massey | Oct 27, 2017 | Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Tips, Goals, Investing |
Key points There is still little sign of the sort of excesses that precede major economic downturns and major bear markets suggesting that (although US shares are overdue a decent correction) we are still a fair way from the top in the investment cycle. Key to watch...
by Adam Massey | Oct 20, 2017 | Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Tips, Retirement |
What you should consider before handing over your hard earned savings You’re probably fairly used to helping your family out with a little extra cash here and there. Whether it’s pocket money for doing chores, or money to pay phone bills, go see a movie or...