by Adam Massey | Jan 16, 2019 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Goals, Retirement |
The beginning of a New Year is the most popular time to set goals and make plans. Everyone’s resolution list should include a few financial resolutions. As you think about 2019 and your goals for the New Year, consider putting a plan to start the New Year off on the...
by Adam Massey | Dec 12, 2018 | Cashflow, Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips |
Your children will learn about money from someone. You have the opportunity to be the positive example in their lives and the guiding voice they can trust. New research released by the Financial Planning Association (FPA) of Australia confirms frequent money talks...
by Adam Massey | Dec 7, 2018 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Life balance |
This issue of financial snapshot includes: Holiday budgeting tips. Ideas to help you enjoy your holiday without a lingering debt as an unpleasant reminder. This includes tips for before you go, while you are travelling, and when you return. 12 ways to avoid...
by Adam Massey | Nov 22, 2018 | Cashflow, Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Retirement |
When I talk to the happiest retirees, I know their retirement joy is rarely about money. On the other hand, when I talk to retired people who are not enjoying retirement, financial stress is often a major culprit. Money may not guarantee retirement happiness –...
by Adam Massey | Nov 7, 2018 | Cashflow, Financial Advice, Financial Tips, Life balance |
There are less than 7 weeks until Christmas, which means families across Australia will soon be putting up decorations, hitting the shops for gifts and filling the cupboards with festive treats – some will have started already! It can be hard to manage and keep track...
by Adam Massey | Oct 30, 2018 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Retirement, Superannuation |
This issue of financial snapshot includes: How much super should I have at my age? This allows you to compare your current super balance to the average for your age group. While this is interesting, and something I am often asked, the right amount of super for you...