by Adam Massey | Dec 7, 2018 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Life balance |
This issue of financial snapshot includes: Holiday budgeting tips. Ideas to help you enjoy your holiday without a lingering debt as an unpleasant reminder. This includes tips for before you go, while you are travelling, and when you return. 12 ways to avoid...
by Adam Massey | Oct 30, 2018 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial goals, Financial Tips, Retirement, Superannuation |
This issue of financial snapshot includes: How much super should I have at my age? This allows you to compare your current super balance to the average for your age group. While this is interesting, and something I am often asked, the right amount of super for you...
by Adam Massey | Oct 20, 2018 | Debt, Financial Advice, Financial goals, Investing, Massey Market Updates |
Now is a time for caution in residential property investment with Sydney and Melbourne currently appearing expensive with prices likely to fall further and very low rental yields. Top to bottom falls could be around 20% (for Sydney and Melbourne). If you are...
by Adam Massey | Jun 27, 2018 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial Tips, Goals |
One of the key realisations that many people will face during their working lives is that nothing is permanent. It’s highly likely that either yourself or someone close to you will face redundancy in the future. This is due to the changing nature of work and the...
by Adam Massey | Jun 18, 2018 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial goals, Goals |
I was speaking with a client recently at a networking event – we were catching up on how fast the last six months had gone and that it felt like just yesterday we were talking about planning for Christmas! We started discussing everything we both had on our to-do...
by Adam Massey | May 9, 2018 | Cashflow, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Adviser, Financial goals, Goals |
I was talking with a new client yesterday – he admitted to me in the start that he was hesitant to engage a Financial Adviser, because although he knew he needed some help – he really didn’t understand what to expect and how to know which areas of his finance he...