This issue of Wealth Adviser includes:
- Baby Boomer housing needs. As they age, baby boomer housing needs are changing as they look to downsize to smaller more manageable homes or apartments. However, some want to stay and modify their existing homes. There is a need for more affordable and accessible housing options as they seek to maintain independence and quality of life.
- Israel and Iran fears and rate cut uncertainty. Shares have had strong gains, but may pull back or be more volatile with threats to oil supplies and higher inflation delaying interest rate cuts. Trying to time the market is hard.
- The FAANG fallacy: A closer look at the risks of acronym investments. Facebook Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google – popular stocks that generate hype but there are downsides. Risk is amplified through a concentrated portfolio to only these stocks as, if one performs badly it will have a big impact on the portfolio. There are also regulatory and antitrust risks via government scrutiny and intervention. Diversify.
- Q&A
- I am considering getting Trauma cover for myself however I am unsure of what is the difference between standalone and linked trauma cover. What is the difference?
- I’ve been told that if I sell my shares, I might have to pay capital gains tax (CGT) if I make a capital gain from the sale. What is a capital gain?
- A lot of people online say that I should invest in index funds. What is an index and what does it have to do with index funds?
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