This issue of Wealth Adviser includes:

  • Phasing out cheques, and what will happen to cash?  At their peak in the 1980s, cheques accounted for 85% of all non-cash payments.  Today cheques are only 0.01% of total payments and can make it easy to commit fraud.  The portion of in-person cash transactions halved over the 3 years to 2022 from 32% to 16%.
  • Playing with fire: the dangers of chasing hot trends.  Trends include the rise of coal seam gas, the emergence of buy now, pay later platforms, the surge of cryptocurrencies, the cannabis craze, and heightened interest in healthcare stocks following Covid-19.
  • 21 great investment quotes.  “Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.” John Maynard Keynes, economist.
  • Q&A
  1. I hear that everyone has an offset account connected to their home loans or property loans. What is an offset account and how does it work?
  2. My partner has Own occupation TPD while I have Any occupation TPD. What is the difference between Any and Own occupation TPD?
  3. I’m interested in getting into investing and I hear people say it’s best to have a combination of both growth and defensive assets in your portfolio. what are some examples of growth and defensive assets?

Click here to read the full articles – Opens as a printable pdf

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