This issue of Wealth Adviser includes:

  • Build to Rent is growing fast off a low base.  Build to rent is residential dwellings, typically new apartments, which remain institutionally owned and are professionally managed and rented.
  • How much do inflation expectations matter?  Expectations may impact future inflation and are an input for central banks. Market derived measures are a better guide to actual inflation outcomes.
  • Active management insights: To tech and beyond?  The dominant tech sector drove returns in 2023. There is still some risk of recession resulting in some portfolios skewed to defensive companies focused on resilient growth and strong financial positions.
  • Q&A
  1. I keep hearing that the best way to invest in property is via negative gearing. What is negative gearing and what are some potential benefits for an investor like myself?
  2. I’ve heard from a friend that you can hold personal insurance within your superannuation. I was just wondering what the benefits are of holding your insurances within super versus outside of super.
  3. I’ve recently started an account-based pension, and in my form, there is this option to set up a reversionary pension. What is a reversionary pension?

Click here to read the full articles – Opens as a printable pdf

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