This issue of Wealth Adviser includes:
- Even Warren Buffett lost his edge 20 years ago. Possibly the world’s best investor has suffered from periods of under performance, after a strong start. His approach means he typically lags market performance in booms, and outperforms in busts.
- Oliver’s Insights – immigration and housing affordability. Key drivers of house price increases have been low interest rates and supply shortfall. Immigration of 500,000 per annum is expected to have an impact, and 200,000 is more aligned with potential building capacity.
- Not all ETFs are created equal. There are a range of benefits to passive broad market ETFs, however there are still risks with this approach.
- Q&A
- I am planning to buy my first home in the next 5 or so years and I heard somewhere that you can save for your house more effectively through the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS). How is contributing to super for the FHSSS more effective?
- I am considering owning Income Protection personally rather than through my super. What are the benefits of doing that?
- I have recently sold my primary residence and downsized into a smaller home. People have been telling me to use the remaining proceeds to make a downsizer contribution into super. How does the downsizer contribution work?
- Click here to read the full articles – Opens as a printable pdf

If you would care to share your experience with me, please comment below!