This issue of Wealth Adviser includes:
- Navigating the 2024 Super and Tax Landscape: 20 Essential Questions Answered. The superannuation guarantee contribution rate has increased to 11.5%, and contribution caps have also increased. Personal income tax rates have been reduced. Find out about some potential strategies and consequences of contributing to or accessing super.
- CPI may understate the rising costs of retirement. The rising costs of retirement may be understated by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), leading to potential discrepancies in financial planning. It emphasizes the importance of accurately assessing retirement expenses to ensure adequate preparation. The article suggests that relying solely on CPI may not fully capture the true financial demands of retirement.
- The Importance of Home Ownership in Achieving a Comfortable Retirement. Home ownership is important in achieving a comfortable retirement, providing financial stability and security in later years. It is estimated that 71% of retirees own their home outright, and 18% rent. Uncertainty in retirement can impact quality of life both financially and emotionally.
Q & A
- My mum told me that part of her income that is funding retirement comes from market linked annuities. What is a market linked annuity? How is it different to a traditional annuity?
- What impact, if any, will the upcoming US elections have on my investments?
- Everything I read on the news is always talking about how inflation is rising. I am invested in bonds. What is the impact of inflation on Bonds?

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