This issue of financial snapshot includes:

  • 6 ways to reduce your credit card debt once and for all. Australians seem to have an ever increasing love affair with credit cards, owing around $45 billion.  If you have more than one card or are struggling to make repayments, this article provides some simple tips to take back control and create a plan.
  • 6 steps to get your money stuff together.  Some simple ideas to help you get on the right financial track.  Know where you are heading and create a plan is the summary, but see the article for more detail.
  • What are the 3 biggest living expenses for households?  The same as 35 years ago, the top 3 contributors to household spending are housing, food and transport (although in a different order).  There is a comparison of average wages in 1975 compared to now, and also the cost of bread, milk, newspaper, petrol and house prices.

Click here to read the full articles  – Opens as a printable pdf

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