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Discover Financial Freedom: Your Guide to “Ten Years to Retirement”
Welcome to your journey towards a secure and prosperous retirement. The “Ten Years to Retirement” guide is designed to empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to make the most of the next decade and ensure a retirement that aligns with your dreams.
Are you a professional in your 40s or 50s wondering:
- Will I ever be able to retire?
- What is the best way to prepare for retirement, or changing work arrangements?
- Do I have enough money to retire?
- What would I do if I stop working?
- What should I be doing right now to be on track for retirement?
If you have ever wondered about these questions, get the free guide now to find out more.
Why “Ten Years to Retirement”?
Over 20 years working in financial advice, I have found that people who develop a plan before the day they actually stop work are more confident about their retirement, and can enjoy the lead up to and actual retirement with much less stress. We can take the guess work out of the process to retire. With a plan in place, you can be better equipped to handle unexpected changes to your work situation such as redundancy, health issues making it difficult to work full time or the need to relocate or help family.
By planning in advance, you can feel more in control and confident that you will achieve your goals and be able to do the things you dream about. Planning can help with mental health, reducing worry and stress, and may lead to better relationships with family and friends.
From the Guide, You’ll Learn:
- Dreams and Goals: Think about what you want to do and achieve from now up to and through retirement.
- Lending and Banking: What is the plan for any loans and how will you structure your spending in retirement.
- Cashflow: Determine your cost of living and how you will cover this in retirement.
- Superannuation: How do you structure your superannuation for the best benefit now and in retirement.
- Insurance: Personal insurance plays a key role in securing your financial future, but how long should you maintain it and do you understand the benefits?
- Work: How will this fit in with slowing down as you head to stopping work completely, or maybe you won’t stop.
- Health and Estate: What impact will your health have on your retirement plans, and if the worst happens how will your assets pass to the right person.
- Plan: They key is to develop a plan, whether on your own, or with help.
Get Your Guide Today!
Start your journey towards financial security and a stress-free retirement by getting your hands on the “Ten Years to Retirement” guide. Don’t let this critical decade pass by without taking control of your financial destiny.
Empower Yourself, Plan Strategically, and Secure Your Financial Future.
Order your guide now and unlock the path to financial freedom!

Meet the author
Adam Massey has over 20 years experience in financial advice and financial planning. Adam has also worked in various hospitality, real estate and management roles, and started his financial advice business seven and a half years ago.
Adam has completed a Bachelor of Business degree and also the study to be recognised as a Certified Financial Planner®, but more than that he brings life experience to work with clients to get the financial outcomes they want. Adam also owned a restaurant many years ago and enjoyed the fast pace of hospitality, but now prefers visiting restaurants with family and friends as a diner.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will you try to sell me something?
We offer the guide as a starting point that you could implement some changes by yourself. We will not contact you, except with occasional emails with useful content. If you choose to engage with us for some personal advice and help, that is entirely up to you. We really dislike the hard sell!
Why is the guide free?
You have worked hard to build your qualifications and career over your working life, the next step is to put yourself in the best financial position to get ahead. We provide the guide for free because we believe in helping people get their financial life sorted. Plenty of people are not sure where to start.
What if I am ready to take the next step?
Great! We are happy to have an initial discussion by phone about the financial advice process to see whether we may be able to help you. Once you are comfortable, we can book an initial meeting to discuss your position in more detail. Book the call here.